ARGoS is a physics-based simulator designed to simulate large-scale robot swarms. ARGoS is written in C++. We can add new robots, actuators, sensors, physics engines easily in this simulator. The simulator can be configured with an XML file. In the ARGoS Environment you can get to know the usage by following command in terminal. argos3 -q <name> Battery:-Its returns the current battery level of a robot Box:- It can be used to model walls and obstacles. It can be movable or not. It is possible to add any number of colored LEDs to the box. In this way, the box is visible with a robot camera cameras:-The sensor can be initialized with a number of cameras each running different algorithms for detecting different objects in the simulation colored blob omni directional camera:- This sensor accesses an omni directional camera that detects colored blobs. The sensor returns a list of blobs, each defined by a color and a position with respect to the robot reference point on the ground colo...