ARGoS is a physics-based simulator designed to simulate large-scale robot swarms. ARGoS is written in C++. We can add new robots, actuators, sensors, physics engines easily in this simulator. The simulator can be configured with an XML file. In the ARGoS Environment you can get to know the usage by following command in terminal.
argos3 -q <name>
- Battery:-Its returns the current battery level of a robot
- Box:- It can be used to model walls and obstacles. It can be movable or not. It is possible to add any number of colored LEDs to the box. In this way, the box is visible with a robot camera
- cameras:-The sensor can be initialized with a number of cameras each running different algorithms for detecting different objects in the simulation
- colored blob omni directional camera:- This sensor accesses an omni directional camera that detects colored blobs. The sensor returns a list of blobs, each defined by a color and a position with respect to the robot reference point on the ground
- colored_blob_perspective_camera:-This sensor accesses an perspective camera that detects colored blobs. The sensor returns a list of blobs, each defined by a color and a position with respect to the robot reference point on the ground.
- cylinder:-It can be used to model obstacles or cylinder-shaped
grippable objects. The cylinder has a red LED on the center of one
of the circular surfaces, that allows perception using the cameras. - differential steering:- It is an actuator. It controls the two wheels a differential steering robot.
- directional_leds:- This actuator controls a group of directional LEDs.
- e-puck:- The e-puck is a open-hardware, extensible robot intended for education. It is a two-wheeled robot equipped with proximity sensors,
ground sensors, light sensors, a microphone, a frontal camera, and a ring of red LEDs. - eye_bot :- It is a fully autonomous flying robot with a rich set of sensors and actuators.
- foot-bot:- The foot-bot is a wheeled robot developed in the Swarmanoid Project. It is a modular robot with a rich set of sensors and actuators.
- gripper:- This actuator controls a gripper.
- joints:-This actuator is used to control the joints inside a prototype entity. To control a joint, add a joint child node to the joints node. Each child node has three attributes, all of which are required.
- Leds:-This actuator controls a group of LEDs
- light:-This sensor accesses a set of light sensors. The sensors all return a value between 0 and 1, where 0 means nothing within range and 1 means the perceived light saturates the sensor.
- magnets:- This actuator used to modify the magnetic field of a magnet entity in the simulation. Magnetic entity has passive and active fields.
- Proximity_sensor:- This sensor accesses a set of proximity sensors. The sensors all return a value between 0 and 1, where 0 means nothing within range and 1 means an external object is touching the sensor. Values between 0 and 1 depend on the distance of the occluding object.
- radio:- This radio sensor implementation allows an arbitrary number of messages containing an arbitrary number of bytes to be received from nearby robots.
- Range and Bearing Actuator:- This actuator allows robots to perform situated communication, that is a form of wireless communication whereby the receiver also knows the location of the sender with respect to its own frame of reference. This actuator allows a robot to send messages.
- Range and Bearing Sensor:- This sensor allows a robot to receive messages. To send messages, you need the range-and-bearing actuator.
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